Translations:LOUNA ルーナ/4/en


LOUNA ルーナ, usually called Louna, is a VRChat DJ and event organizer. She started playing VRChat in January 2022 after discovering that there was a thriving VR rave scene on VRChat. The first event she attended was VIBE TRIBE VR (VTVR) on the Sound Empire 47 event. She quickly became interested in participating in event organization and, after visiting multiple clubs, she joined the VTVR staff team in March 2022. Shortly after, she became an administrator of VTVR alongside DrNope. In the same year, she also joined the Subsystem staff team and eventually became an administrator there as well. Louna initially entered the VR rave scene primarily as a club administrator, photographer, and artist liaison. In July 2022, she decided to start her own club called CODA..